So you are coming to Australia from overseas and you want to get legally married while here. Do not worry, Marry Me Now are seasoned professionals in this department. We will guide you and explain the the legalities to you, so you understand the process.
Here are the first and most important steps to get you on your way:
Step 1
The first legal requirement is to lodge the Notice of Intended Marriage. This needs to be done at least 30 days prior to the Wedding and not longer than 18 month from the wedding date. Please note this can all be emailed directly to me once the NOIM is witnessed. The supporting documents can also be emailed to me.
Here is a link to the NOIM: https://www.ag.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-08/notice-of-intended-marriage.PDF
Requirements for the NOIM:
1) provide passports OR original birth certificate and photo ID (eg drivers license)
2) if you have previously been married you will also need to provide an original divorce certificate (Decree Absolute) or a death certificate (if applicable)
If you are not available to meet with me to fill in your NOIM, here is a list of all of authorised people who can witness the NOIM. Simply fill in page one and get page two witnessed by one of the following representatives:
1) if a party signs the Notice in Australia—an authorised celebrant, a Commissioner for Declarations under the Statutory Declarations Act
1959, a justice of the peace, a barrister or solicitor, a legally qualified medical practitioner, or a member of the Australian Federal Police or
the police force of a State or Territory;
2) if a party signs the Notice outside Australia—an Australian Consular Officer, an Australian Diplomatic Officer, a notary public, an employee
of the Commonwealth authorised under paragraph 3(c) of the Consular Fees Act 1955, or an employee of the Australian Trade Commission
authorised under paragraph 3(d) of the Consular Fees Act 1955.
Please get in touch if we can help you.